Based on qualitative interviews, this paper explores how classical children\'s concerts serve as a means of \"social distinction\" (Bourdieu) for upper class families. Firstly, the paper presents a description of Vienna\'s children\'s concert scene for classical music and elaborates on Bourdieu\'s cultural-sociological approach. Secondly, the interrelation between knowledge about music and the accumulation of cultural capital, which emphasizes an individual\'s position in social space (Bourdieu), is investigated. The empirical data show that only children whose parents possess relatively high amounts of cultural and economic capital attend children\'s concerts. By taking their children to those cultural events, parents not only aim to convey a certain \"taste in music\" to them. They also support the accumulation of cultural knowledge or capital, which serve as a means of social distinction that asserts the family\'s position in society.
Soziologische Betrachtung von Kinderkonzerten in Wien anhand von Pierre Bourdieus kultursoziologischem Ansatz. Schriftenreihe / Forschungsbereich Wirtschaft u...Kinderkonzerte als Mittel der Distinktion. Soziologische Betrachtung von Kinderkonzerten in Wien anhand von Pierre Bourdieus kultursoziologischem Ansatz.